Ben Troy

I began my daily discipline of fitness at the young age of 12 years old, with a dream of transforming my tiny frame into one built for football. What I found was my first love, and an activity that I would eventually credit with saving my life 2X- once in helping me to reverse the effects of an autoimmune disease and second - helping me to survive what was described, quite literally, as an unsurvivable traumatic brain injury.

Turn back the clock to my early teens, and I had already decided that I would study Exercise Science in college- while later deciding that school would be Slippery Rock University. Whether you call it a goal or a mission, I have always felt this incessant need to help others improve their lives through health and fitness. Part-way through my studies I decided to run a marathon as a bucket-list activity, only to find myself discovering Ultramarathons in the process. Have you ever had a moment where everything clicked in your brain and you thought “Yeah, I’ll be doing this specific thing for the rest of my life”?? That was Ultramarathons for me-combining my passion for fitness and my love of the natural world- I was ALL IN.

Daily strength training and ultramarathon training allow me to live my life to its fullest physical & mental potential. Helping all of you to find that same thing in health and fitness allow me to live my life to its fullest soulful potential. Whatever crazy -or perfectly normal- dreams and goals you have in the fitness landscape, let me help pave the path for you to achieve them! LETS GET AFTER IT!!!